SERnews - June 2023

JUNE 2023

President's Message

Onyebuchi Arah

It is finally here, SER friends! We will be in Portland for our 2023 annual meeting, which is shaping up to be one for the history books. There will be record-breaking numbers of promising, high-quality, and thought-provoking talks, poster sessions, symposia, workshops, lunchtime sessions, fairs, professional development sessions, and other events.

SPC President's Message

Sharia M Ahmed

Hello Students, Postdocs, and Epi Trainees! By the time you read this, we’ll be just days away from the SER Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon. Buckle up, there’s a lot to cover.

First, navigating Portland on a budget. Trimet ( is the local public bus/streetcar/lightrail train system.


Congratulations to the newly elected board members!


Yvette Cozier, Associate Professer, Boston University School of Public Health

Member at Large - Membership:

Monique Brown, Arnold School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Member at Large - Awards:

Bryan James, Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center

Student & Postdoc President-Elect:

Alvin Thomas, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

#SER2023 - Portland

#SER2023 is finally here! See you in Portland, Oregon June 13-16, 2023.

A few reminders:

SER Mid-Year Meetings

Interested in hosting the 2024 SER Mid-Year Meeting? Email Sue Bevan (

Did you miss the 2023 Mid-Year Meeting, the recording is available.


There are many reasons people join SER. Visit the 'Why Join SER' page to learn about various reasons from current SER members!

#2023 SER Memberships

Renew and receive the discounted meeting rates!

Check out the many benefits to being a member of SER!

  • Access to SERlibrary
  • Reduced Rates to the Annual Meeting
  • Access to the Mid Year Meeting
  • Eligible for SERawards and Travel Scholarships
  • Eligible to participate in the SERmentoring program
  • Participate in SER Elections
  • Access to the SER Job Board
  • Lots of discounts for AJE and Oxford

Member Insight

Estela Blanco

I am an environmental epidemiologist originally from California, who lives and works in Santiago, Chile.

Member Insight

Kelli Gribben

I have always been interested in science and helping people, but it wasn’t until I took an elective field epi course during a summer in undergrad that I decided to pursue a career in epidemiology.

Upcoming Events!

Don't miss the exciting line up of SER events!

SERmember Publications

We invite members to provide information about recent media reports covering their work or quoting them, publications or major events for the @societyforepi twitter account to promote and share.

Educational Resources

SER would like to serve as a resource page for students, faculty and practitioners to share and access FREE educational content, both live lectures and recorded or printed material.


Resources available to SER Members!


PO Box 1831, Eagle, ID 83616
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